Friday, November 4, 2011

Robbie Basho - The Falconers Arm I & II (1967)

Friday night In Los Angeles the cars hiss by my window, drinking Guinness and listening to Robbie Basho. There is something incredibly western about Basho’s take on eastern music. Robbie Basho is to raga what Elvis Presley is to rhythm and blues. It’s an outsider’s stab at the inside of the exotic, transcending it in the process. Creating a new form of music?

There is something rock ‘n roll about Robbie Bashio along with Sandy Bull, Davy Grahm, and John Fahey's eastern take on the west. The same way Presley proved that sexuality was universal, Basho and heavy friends prove that the western man can levitate, just same as the swami.

Honky Blues Guitar Raga Forever.

You can get a Falconers Arm at FM SHADES and read about Robbie Basho on the computer encyclopedia.


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