Sure,you know what's cool. But do you know what's really fuckin' FAR OUT? That's where Advanced Demonology comes in. Every week, (K)en and (S)wilson trudge through the murky waters of the pop culture hellscape, dredging up sparkly morsels of wonder. These are the result of our latest foray into the world of the weird, our wildest, wiggest-out picks of the week. Call it our 13 Point Program.
13. Souvenir Stand – Wherever You Go
Holy fuck. Swoon. If this doesn't melt the ice off of your black metal heart, nothin' will. Summer's coming down fast. (K)
12. The Human Beast - Vol. 1
Here is comment from the Youtube clip "Hi. I am Gillies the guitarist with HB. Nowadays I manufacture floatation tanks (aka sensory deprivation chambers) in Singapore. Ed the bassist is an advertising exec in Budapest. John the drummer is a professor of business studies in Stoke." Yeah that sounds about right: Business, advertising - sensory deprivation. If they reformed they might be able to take over the world this time. Literally take over the world. (S)
11. Too Dark Park
“There are two communities that use this park. One is the Pagan or occultist community, and the other, of course, is the homosexual community. Interestingly enough, they go hand in hand.” Awesome. (K)
10. Electric Moon
Another band name that is just a cool combination of words thoughtlessly clipped together? I think not. This Scandinavian cult ( I'm assuming they are a cult) really is the Electric Moon. If you live in the UK you ain't going to get to see 'em because the tour was canceled in case of health problems. That's right. It was preemptively canceled because if they went on tour they are sure to get sick. Or maybe they meant the audience was sure to get sick? Orange sunshine. (S)
9. Hippie Death Goddess (of the Week)
This is Linda Francis and her boobs and her flute. Just about everything I like is in this photo. Decades later, this chick would go on to become the hippy-trippy new-age Earth mother of the “Seat of the Soul” movement. Who knows what it does? Besides fleece rich rubes? But the point is, she's still living the dream. And I bet she can still jam on that flute. (K)
8. Bram Stoker - Heavy Rock Spectacular
I hate ELP because to me it's like goofy carnival rock. Well I think I might have a different view of carnival rock if Bram Stoker made their debut at Isle of Wight instead of Emerson, Lake and Palmer. They are officially the dark overlords of carnival rock. I do declare it here and now!! (S)
7. Alizee – J'en Ai Marre
It is possible that I have posted this video before, but I just stumbled on this HD quality version, and I really think you should watch it. Empires crumble because of chicks like this, man. (K)
6. Broken Prayer
I couldn't resist this! Break neck hardcore mixed with space noises burping and zapping out of a thrift store keyboard. Riffs galore!! Weirdo deluxe!! From North Carolina!!!! get it! (S)
5. November 1964
Couple Polaroids from a very fucking crazy Halloween in the early 60's. Where? How? Who the hell is Erik? We may never know, but it's important to remember that when it's time to party, you should always party hard. (K)
4. Dead Lord
The dead lord in this case is Phil Lynott. Introducing Lizzy-core. Why the fuck not? Originality is an illusion anyway. (S)
3. Lesbians React to Lesbian Porn
Wait, they don't use heels? Everything I know is wrong. (K)
2. Nightbitch - Chainmaker
Glenn Danzig has no clue what he's doing anymore, and Phil Lynott is dead. We already got Ramones-core and Lizzy-Core, so bring it on: Danzig-core. In fact I think this is the best Danzig album since How The Gods Kill. (S)
1. Mike Monroe – Ballad of the Lower East Side
I talked to Mike for an hour or so last week about the ol' days with Hanoi and about how he wiled away the 80's in NYC, hanging out with Hell's Angels and the tattered shards of the New York Dolls. I used to hang out down there on the weekends around that time too, to watch weird movies and buy cool shoes and T Rex t-shirts. Fuck, I think I sorta miss the Lower East Side too, and I never even lived there. Anyway, Mike's a champ and this jam is a rocker. (K)